“Earth is no longer habitable. We need a collaborative, sustainable plan to habit Saturn’s moon Enceladus” was the sole idea behind the science event Enigma, conducted at Magnachrista 2018. A practical understanding of science and loads of creativity was required to excel at Enigma as it brought out the applications of basic scientific principles such as magnetic field and gravity. The inquisition of Terra formation was brought to the forefront which was dealt with uniquely by each participant. Some thought that introducing genetically engineered bacteria was viable while others preferred the idea of encapsulated cities, with their own soil and atmosphere. Some participants pointed out that Enceladus had a frozen ocean near it’s poles, which can be used as a source of water. Thus, having provided the perfect platform for participants to showcase their understanding of various scientific concepts and their ability to think miles outside the box, this event produced creative outcomes. Overall, the winners were declared based on the creativity of their ideas and their presentation.

1st price- Christ Academy
2nd price- Mount Carmel College
3rd price- Jyoti Nivas College

-Manasa V Reddy

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